Friday, 22 October 2010


That's it, I'm bored.  Time to do another animation thing.
I'ts called 'life'.   I'll start it tomorrow......if I can be bothered.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

10 min shorts

Ray's come up with a great idea of each of us writing a ten minute short film, then stitching them together under a common theme. Sounds interesting to me!. Jeez...something else swirling around in my head.

Lardy & Straw

Over a year of washing around in my head, the idea for Lardy & Straw finally surfaced.
A team from the Lancaster film makers was put together and on 7th July we went filming.
The location was the Cosy Kitchen cafe down the West end of Morecambe.
It was a long day, stretching from 7am 'til 7pm but all the shots were done.
Two weeks later, an 85% rough cut was shown at the Dukes in Lancaster to about 12 people (6 of whom were not involved) and I think most of them laughed!.
The final edit should be with us in a couple of weeks, and I'll get it sent off to various people to try and get it noticed.
The second episode is washing around my head right now....sorry, doing my head in right now.
Big thanks to everyone involved:
Liam, Ray, Trevor, Terry, John, Justin, Ant, Rosie, Marianne.
