Saturday, 21 May 2011

Nearly finished

Nearly finished editing and sound mixing my film. I feel really good about this. I got an e-mail on the 18th April asking if there was any films being made because the actor just wanted to do something. It started a chain of events that got us to make a film that is about to be finished this weekend. I had a rough draft of a script on my computer that I'd more or less forgotten about and dragged it out and dusted it off but apart from that the whole thing has gone from not even existing as an idea to being a finished short (9 minutes) in just over a month. We actually filmed it at the start of this month. Its a bit rough round the edges but basically its a film and it has a lot that I'm pleased with and and because it was such a nice experience to make, it may be leading to a writing collaboration between me and the two actors. We are thinking of trying to do a science fiction film next but one that's a bit low key and takes place on Earth in the recognisable (and therefore easy and cheap to film) present. 

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